This summer, we will welcome talented students joining the lab.
- Daniela Mejía, a PhD from BMI BioData Science (BDS), joined us this summer for a rotation project. She will be working on analyzing single-cell RNA-Seq for cancer data including a novel method to quantify the isoform expression which isn’t available for scRNA-Seq yet.
- Maya Dorje, currently a 1st year MD student at UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, will join us as a Shapiro summer scholar . Maya’s proposal entitled “Defining the immunosuppressive function of neutrophils in multiple myeloma” had been reviewed and approved to receive support for 10 weeks this summer.
- Sophia Ibargüen, currently a sophomore at Pasadena City College in California, will join as a MSTP summer scholar. Sophia will work virtually with us on a bioinformatics project looking at immune cell signatures of Covid-19 and cancer patients.
- Ke Xu, an undergraduate majored in Maths from UW-Madison, will work with us this summer. He will work together with Sophia in the project to compare immune signatures of Covid-19 and cancer patients.
It will be a fun summer and welcome everyone!