A Computational Cancer & Immunology lab at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research

Summer students joining the lab

This summer, we welcomed 4 summer students joining the lab:

  • Eric Zhou from Minnesota via the BDS SROP program, studying computational evaluation of cell-cell interactions in scRNA-Seq and spatial RNA-Seq.
  • Alondra  M. Colon Vega from Puerto Rico via the MSTP summer scholar program, studying neutrophil signaling in head and neck cancer.
  • Maria Jabbour from Madison via the SMPH RUSCH program, studying monocytes in ovarian cancers.
  • Yifan Ren from UW-Madison Statistics, studying snRNA/ATAC-Seq analysis in cancers.

And Jie  Sheng joined for a summer rotation project from the BDS Ph.D. program, studying cell-cell interactions in the single-cell spatial transcriptome (CosMX) of Head and Neck cancer.